Saturday, May 23, 2020

Maslows Theory Of Self Actualization - 1410 Words

Maslow’s Theory of Self-Actualization According to Ellis, Abrams, Abrams (2009), Maslow’s theory of self-actualization can be defined as, â€Å"†¦an innate tendency of human beings to fulfill and enhance their potential, provided that basic physical and social needs are met† (p.620). Maslow viewed human beings in a unique way and altered his original idea of what someone who achieved this highest level of potential was. Maslow believed that individuals who achieved this potential could be defined through specific characteristics, including: acceptance, spontaneity, problem-centered, detachment, autonomy, continued freshness of appreciation, mystic or peak experiences, gemeinschaftsgefuhl, deep interpersonal relations, democratic character†¦show more content†¦Because someone who has achieved self-actualization has accepting qualities, they are also accepting of themselves within society; they tend to wave off what others think of them and view themselves without considering the harsh reality and labels that society may try to press on someone. Due to this mindset, for these individuals decision-making is a lot easier of a process and they tend to act in more spontaneous ways. However, their spontaneity should not be mistaken for carelessness; rather because they are spontaneous, they are taking more complex risks in order to solve certain problems one may encounter (p.295). Ellis et. al (20 09) states, â€Å"Self-actualized people have the ability to put themselves and their egos aside and focus entirely on the problem at hand.† In other words, these individuals usually have a specific plan or goal they are reaching to achieve. They will pursue these dreams often times without really worrying about how this decision is going to affect them personally, but rather what they can do to accomplish the task in front of them. While these individuals are ambitious and think of others more than themselves, there is a time and place where they need to be detached from reality and have a strong desire for the need for privacy (Ellis et. al, 2009, p.295). They may desire this need for independence and time for themselves due to conflicts with ordinary people, or people that seem to â€Å"blend in with the rest of the crowd.† The authors

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